Weediquette (2016– )
Nuanced investigation of a taboo topic
23 February 2017
Weediquette delves into every layer of the intricate US cannabis ecosystem - from the illicit backwoods growers, to people with rare ailments for whom natural cannabis derived medicines sometimes present the sole relief or even cure.

Often when libertarian journalists investigate an area that's close to their own interest, objectivity can feel as if it is the first casualty.

In presenting Weediquette however, Krishna Andavolu for the most part sustains a sympathetic but ultimately objective distance.

That frees the subjects to humanise the taboo topic under discussion - the merits and flaws of their own drives and reasons - that ultimately inform the viewer's impressions - and in the end fire our own conclusions.

I would ever have expected to hold a great interest in the topic - and yet this series, in enriching and thoughtful ways, brings me back episode after episode for just one more hit.
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