Review of Shut In

Shut In (I) (2016)
Wasted potential
24 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm almost ashamed to admit how much I wanted to see this movie. I fully intended to go to the cinema to see it but it didn't open here in my country. As it turns out, our selective system saved me my money, though not my time since I still watched it eventually.

From the trailer, I expected it to be predictable. How could it not be? However, predictable isn't always bad. Just because something's been done before doesn't mean it can't be done again and done well. This, sadly, does not fall into the latter category. There were only two ways that this was going to play out as far as culprits went, hence the predictability. I have to wonder if the writer/s even really tried, the writing was so lazy. I might actually have respected them more if they'd thrown in some random guy who'd been stalking her all along or if she'd really been insane, anything but it boiling down to the catatonic son or/and the weird little boy. But no, it went there. Over and over and over again. And of course we couldn't possibly have the characters make logical choices. God forbid these intelligent beings, psychiatrists no less, exhibit some kind of advanced thinking that would keep them out of danger once the cat was out of the bag. That would simply be asking too much.

The acting was solid, as it should be for a talented cast and for at least a portion of the movie the suspense does pull you in, but then it falls and keeps falling before it dumps you into the cold, black lake in the woods. Literally. Charlie Heaton, who was my main reason for watching since I was riding the Stranger Things wave at the time, made me very uncomfortable as an unhinged teenager obsessed with his step-mother to the point of it being borderline incestuous. Or one could argue that he crossed that line with the bath scene.

Considering how awful this movie was, I really should rate it lower but the scenery was beautiful, one of the things that really attracted me to it, and as I said the acting wasn't bad. The actors did the best with what they were given, however lacking. I can't in good conscience recommend it but if you really don't mind wasting 90 minutes...
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