The Interrogation (I) (2016)
a account of the interrogation of an SS Officer
27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
having just watched this, I'm unsure what to say about it, its a brief insight in to the mind of the Commandant of Auschwitz Rudolf Hoess, all i can say is its sobering stuff, the only problem is you start to get in to the mind of Hoess and its all over, Its too brief a confession, Compared to Schindler's list where one can see warped and savage Goeth is, this is purely a deathbed confession. simply i was this man, I ran a savage regime saw that was vile, but i took an oath of total obedience, that's my get out clause..

its all over before you realise, but then this is an account of a confession via interrogation.

the two players are superb, very believable...Albert gets what others had failed to get from Hoess, both are award winning performances worth watching
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