In the Money (1958)
Finally....the 48th!
27 February 2017
The Bowery Boys made an astounding 48 films. This doesn't even count the films they made as the East Side Kids or Dead End Kids or Little Tough Guys. In fact, by the 48th the only 'boy' who was prominently featured was Huntz Hall (age 38) as even Leo Gorcey had enough and retired a few pictures earlier. Intead of burying the concept because it had become stale, Allied Artists kept churning out more even though the formula had long since worn thin. So, in light of this, I wasn't particularly excited about seeing this last film.

When the film begins, a crook can easily see that Sach is a complete moron and hires him for some dubious scheme that involves Sach sailing to England. What illegal or unethical scheme is afoot? They say he's going to be a young lady's bodyguard...but there's obviously much more to it than this! See the film and find out for yourself what stupid situation Sach has gotten himself into this time.

In addition to the use of some bad stock footage to show that they went to England (and saying 'London Bridge' when the one in the footage was 'Westminster Bridge'), the film features the usual dopey antics of Sach. If these make you laugh, great. For me, however, it just felt to familiar...and a bit tired. In other words, if you've already seen a lot of the Bowery Boys films, this one will be tiresome. If you haven't, it's agreeable enough but nothing special.

By the way, the guy carrying the tray in the final scene is Snub Pollard, a wonderful silent film comedian. In the talking picture era, he dropped his painted on mustache and appeared in a variety of random bit parts.
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