Supergirl: Homecoming (2017)
Season 2, Episode 14
Supergirl: The Winter Soldier
27 February 2017
Supergirl is at its best when it doesn't take itself too seriously. I'm fine with dramatic moments every now and then but I'd rather not the show turn into a soap opera. This episode felt like a soap opera, but it did further the plot with Cadmus. It's about dang time.

More relationship-y problems with Mon-El and Kara this week as the former had to come to grips with listening and being patient with Kara. As it turns out, however, Kara was the one that needed to listen. I don't really care for a weekly issue with the two, but this one was well-acted and didn't last as long as I thought. Mon- El was suspicious about Jeremiah's return, and rightfully so. You don't just come back from being captive for 15 years in the "most dangerous nemesis Team Supergirl has ever faced, Cadmus.

So most of the episode played out like a mystery. Is Jeremiah still himself or did he turn into DC's version of Winter Soldier? Well, it seems like a little bit of both. He's clearly under the terms of a deal with Lillian Luthor, but he's been significantly physically altered. His right arm is robotic and resembles the same sort of altercation they made to Cyborg Superman. We all knew from the beginning that Jeremiah was doing something for Cadmus. I wasn't sure if he was being mind controlled or it was an entirely different person disguised as Jeremiah, but there wasn't much suspense considering it was telegraphed from the first few minutes anyway.

It wasn't a nuclear fusion bomb that Team Supergirl has to worry about, Cadmus now has an entire list of aliens in the country. So yeah, this is turning more and more into the plot of The Winter Soldier. Remember when Alexander Pierce wanted to wipe out all of the dangerous people on earth and had Bucky Barnes (metal arm at his side)?

+Furthers the plot

-Soap opera-y

-I don't care about Jeremiah

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