A Macaroni Combat movie with some worthwhile things about it
28 February 2017
Overrun is another Macaroni Combat movie from the genre's heyday. This is one of a sizeable grouping of these flicks that were set in the North African desert. In this one we have a group of British soldiers finding themselves stranded in enemy territory after a German victory in a key battle during WWII. We spend the rest of the film watching them flee the enemy, overcome obstacles and encounter various unexpected groups of people. Of the latter, there is a group of good-looking nurses and a tribe of sword wielding Bedouins. The girls are basically wedged into the narrative in order to give this male-oriented movie some eye-candy and I for one can't see any fault in this objective. The Bedouins are there to provide some exotic colour and, along, with the ladies do lend events some distinctive elements. Like most other Italian war movies from this period, this isn't truthfully a particularly good film quite honestly. But it's less expected aspects are fun, while it's cast of characters all sport various, impressively unconvincing British regional accents which I thought was kind of funny. It also admittedly does feature one genuinely good suspenseful scene, where our heroes find themselves on top of a landmine; this was dealt with in a unique and effective manner I have to say. All in all, this one is not bad for this kind of thing.
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