Review of The Pacific

The Pacific (2010)
Another Modern Desecration of Our History
3 March 2017
I am always dismayed when modern filmmakers handle history, reflecting the present-day lack of morality and respect for our past and our forebears. As I began this series with hope that Tom Hanks would do better than that, it took less than two minutes before the F-bomb was shoved in my face multiple times. I turned it off and in effect tossed the series in the can, having seen the direction it was taking. "Maybe" it got better. But I doubt it. If you arrived for a blind date, and the first words our of your date's mouth are vulgar and crude, do you stay for dinner to hear more? Not me.

My father, who is still alive, was a tank driver in WW2 and in the Battle of the Bulge. He says that although the "f" word was sometimes used, it was nowhere near as prevalent during the war as modern movies want to make it. For heaven's sake, why can't we treat history with respect? We know people went to the bathroom, and that some cads spoke of women in vulgar terms, that soldiers cussed some, and that there was some promiscuity. Folks know that and don't need to be feed those images in order to "get it." When we have to dish up the lowest levels of human behavior in order to be "relevant" to the times, it is a good indication that the filmmakers lack the artistic creativity to present a compelling story without lurid details.

I wish filmmakers were interested in helping viewers rise above filth and become connoisseurs of real fine art. But since most in the business today are students of a generation of America-degrading "artists," we instead get inartistic productions that make our forebears into sleazeballs. I reject that. My GGG grandfather fought in the American Revolution and at Yorktown. My great grandfather was an honorable cavalier in the Confederate Army, not a Simon Legre. My grandfather was a sailor in WW1 and behaved honorably. My father was an honorable WW2 soldier. I will never dishonor their memory by watching movies in which others dishonor them.
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