Review of Lithia

The Outer Limits: Lithia (1998)
Season 4, Episode 17
Surprised this was made -- Some Spoilers
3 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
*** Some Spoilers Ahead ***

Surprised to find something like this in Outer Limits. Let's just say if it were reversed, it would have been considered a horrible form of women bashing, by a woman hating male chauvinist.

Apparently when left to their own, women thrive in peace and give selflessly of themselves for the good of their rulers, who have only their best interests at heart.

But if you interpose just one man, he will of course bring tyranny, might makes right, and do whatever he wants no matter what he's told. He will sow discontent, jealousy, division ... did I leave anything out?

Just in case this could have been viewed as an aberration,it turns out the same experiment was run with 11 different men ... and all of them caused the same upheaval and warfare ... human civilization is basically men trying to fight others, while women know only harmony, unless they are tarnished by men, "the devil."

It could have been a good episode about someone trying to adapt and survive in a different culture, where men and women appreciate the aspects that each brings to a society to make it better.

Yeah, right.

Apart from the very odd plot, which comes across as something written after drinking much alcohol after a bad breakup, the quality of the show isn't bad. The idea is intriguing, the acting is okay, the setting makes sense. It's just that it could have been such a good story ... and it wasn't.
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