Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006–2016)
Consistent Disney
5 March 2017
I find it interesting that some reviewers here have criticized this show with zero knowledge of Disney.

One reviewer states, "Walt Disney and Wayne Allwine are rolling in their Graves." Interesting since Allwine voiced the Mouse for enough episodes to roll 4 seasons of the show before his passing in May of 2009.

Many reviewers are also lambasting the term "Meeska Mooska." These people obviously aren't aware of the Mickey Mouse Club which was Walt's second television show. The Mickey Mouse Club used the phrase, "Meeska Mooska Mousketeer" as a password to open the cartoon vault (Every episode aired a classic Disney short).

In today's program the phrase "Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse" is used as a password to open the clubhouse. This show is consistent with everything Disney did with their programming in both Walt's lifetime and after.
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