8 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Typical Hollywood fanfare with rich playboy Farley Granger sentenced to 30 days for speeding in a tiny hick town. Engaged to Ann Miller, he protests his sentence to no avail, but gets the judge's daughter to get him out of the slammer for one night.

Ann Miller does two nice dances but her talents are largely wasted here along with Billie Burke, who plays Granger's mother. Missing in the film is that usual high-pitched voice of hers. Instead, she plays the wealthy mother without much fanfare on her part either.

Constant interruptions while saying grace come about due to the presence of the boyfriend of the judge's daughter, an aspiring dancer, who yearns for such a career on Broadway. Even his dad S.Z. Sakall is subdued here and only confuses the word pardon with something else.
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