Reality check
9 March 2017
We live in a time, where conspiracy theories are the new flavor of the month/year. While this short documentary (still 40 minutes long) won an Academy Award for Best Short Documentary, there is a lot of controversy. Well while watching the documentary you may not think about it, but there have been reports that the White Helmets have been paid for by the "West" and are helping terrorists.

Hard to believe to tell you the truth, even though I will admit that some of the scenes filmed did look a bit staged. Something that actually happened with one of the videos uploaded on the internet and has been exposed. But the bombings must be real (I guess you could only argue if they are in cahoots with those who are responsible for the bombings.

If you can actually have a clear mind while watching this, then you will be able to see something remarkable though. It's a grand story of survival, of humanity and of help in general, while risking your own life. And it's up to you to decide whom you want to believe ...
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