Severely Disappointing
11 March 2017
I was excited Dick Wolf had created a law show again as I enjoyed Law & Order immensely. It was a show I discovered from its reruns and nothing created since can compare.

Chicago Justice, while unfair to compare to Law & Order, is a show that is a sore disappointment next to Wolf's exceptional L&O.

I watched the pilot and half of the next show. The only character I liked was the detective from Chicago PD that crossed over to the show into an investigative role with the DA's office. The other characters are unlikable; the actors/actresses are wooden, terrible. The man portraying Benjamin Stone's son (Benjamin Stone was on the original L&O as an ADA and a character I especially liked) an ADA on this show is unbelievable as an ADA as is his counterpart with awful acting skills. The female detective now the partner to the original detective from Chicago P.D. both in investigative roles at the ADA's office is a horrific actor and character, too.

What's even worse, adding insult to injury, is in the second episode the male ADA portraying the original ADA from L&O Benjamin Stone's son, bemoans and insults his father multiple times insinuating he is almost a man for whom his son cannot please. This story line is diametrically opposed to Benjamin Stone's actual character and demeanor on L&O --- it bothered me that this is the perception the show portrays although it does reinforce the lead ADA's whiny nature.

I stopped watching and deleted that second episode since it made me disgusted with all the comments denigrating Sr. Stone by his jerk son and his buddy. I did not understand the point or need to keep insulting and denigrating the character of his father from Law & Order.

None of the characters are likable, except the aforementioned detective from CPD. The acting is wooden; the story lines predictable easy to know where they're going, what's going to happen, etc.

Too much good t.v. to waste time with this show.
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