Humorous Film
14 March 2017
Reinette and Mirabelle are two young women. Reinette lives in the countryside, Mirabelle in Paris. They meet during a holiday of Mirabelle in the country, when Reinette helps her to repair the tube of her bicycle and shows her the beauties of nature and in particular the 'blue hour'.

This is the classic meeting of the "city mouse" and the "country mouse". While the country mouse knows such things as how to cook and fix bicycles, she does not concern herself with such high-minded concepts as "ethnology". In her domain, she is the queen.

But we also see stories here where it pays to be a smart city mouse... through deception and cunning, you can get what you want in ways the innocent, sincere person never can. The interactions with both the waiter and the art dealer are just so good and really make this film a treasure.
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