Twin Peaks: Realization Time (1990)
Season 1, Episode 7
Audrey takes centre stage in another strong episode.
20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While this episode mostly serves as setup for the finale, it still boasts some standout moments of its own, and is just generally quite solid as an episode. Most of the action occurs around One Eyed Jack's, as Cooper and Audrey respectively hatch plots to get in undercover. The other most significant thread is the interrogation and assassination of Waldo the myna bird. Only in Twin Peaks could there be a key witness that is a bird, which they actually manage to attain valuable information from.

Birds aside, Audrey is definitely the star of this episode. While she kicks off the episode with a moment of weakness, the rest of the episode shows just how clever and strong she is (including the iconic cherry stem scene). This is the episode that made me fall in love with her character. Sadly, it's also the last great Audrey episode. She had some good moments in season 2, but for the most part this is the last we will see of classic Audrey (at least until the revival).
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