Review of Retake

Retake (2016)
Retake mirrors real life
21 March 2017
I am now 93 years old, and counting. I have outlived all of the people that I have known in my prime, so at this point in my personal odyssey I feel empowered to comment on men that I have known well over the years, since now they are all safely dead.

Which brings me to "Retake" (2016).

First of all, I agree in all respects with the only two reviewers currently listed as of this date in the "Retake" comments section. Where I expand on the other two reviewers' comments is that I have known personally three men who -- over time -- did what the character Jonathan (Tuc Watkins) did in Retake, and more importantly, I have know personally two of the three men who did what the character Brandon / Adam (Devon Graye) did in Retake.

The three real-life Jonathans that I have known tried to recreate the emotionally charged special events that they had enjoyed on their road trips from New York City toward the West Coast with their young lovers in the early 1960s, 1980s, and early 1990s, respectively. And a Polaroid camera was confirmed to be present in at least two of the three road trips.

All three real-life young lovers died of drug overdoses. All three real-life Jonathans later rented young men who looked similar to their respective dead lovers to play-act their way through a later parallel road trip in their ultimately failed attempts to relive their respective emotional highs, and all three coincidentally traveled from New York via the classic Route 66 highway. I know all of this because I was asked to clean up the various messes that my three Jonathans left in their wakes, which I did in the 1960s, 1980s, and 1990s, retraveling the still classic Route 66, or its remains.

But for me, the weird, even eerie parallels with the movie Retake is that my three Jonathans were unsettlingly similar to the portrayed character Johathan, and my two personally known Brandons / Adams were virtually identical to the character so beautifully and skillfully played by Devon Graye (Devon Graye Fleming). The personally unsettling, definitely eerie, and almost identical behavior displayed by Devon Graye was later confirmed with the two now-not-so-young men rented years before, neither of whom had seen Retake before I recently approached them and supplied them with DVDs of Retake to confirm my conclusions. Which both emphatically did. And both were suitably amazed, as I was.

Yes, the movie Retake is not perfect, but it definitely is A MUST SEE. And please permit me to conclude, as one of the earlier reviewers did: "Overall, the picture is an example of well executed independent film that delivers something we lack in today's American cinema ‑ a REAL people's story."

Parenthetically, I wonder if the director of "Retake", Nick Corporon, personally knew or knew of any of the six real-life people in question.
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