Hooten & the Lady: The Amazon (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Silly, unoriginal, but entertaining enough
22 March 2017
Have you ever watched "Indiana Jones"? Or played video games like "Tomb Raider" or "Uncharted"? Or even watched "Relic Hunter" with Tia Carrere? Well, "Hooten & the Lady" is well within this world of treasure hunters, following the steps of the parents of the genre without straying away of the path, at least in this pilot.

Lady Alex Spencer-Parker goes to the Amazon to search for the remnants of the lost explorer Percy Fawcett. Pretty soon she crosses paths with American money-hunter Hooten. They have to team up to stay alive.

Cue adventure in mystery land 101. Nothing is new here: the dynamics between the two characters (rogue and brute male, bookworm and... well, a lady, female), the lost city, the bad guy that wants all for himself... even one that one would expect to have left behind more than 50 years ago: the 'natives', which make a 'comic' appearance.

It comes so close to become too silly and cheesy to be fun. However, it barely keeps all together, with good pace and funny enough banter to be fun, and keeps the viewer's attention interested in the proceedings. But it will have to try harder to be more than just cheesy fun.
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