Campfire Kiss (2017 TV Movie)
23 March 2017
Another unrealistic movie about a moronic, helpless woman, brought to you by the Hallmark agenda to demean women by portraying them as incapable of dealing with their personal lives by themselves. Hey Hallmark, we don't want to watch idiots who raise weak, whiny and pouty (and often miserable) children. The teenage girl has an attitude that wouldn't be tolerated in the real world, so the audience simply finds her horrible.

The female protagonist acts like a 13 yr old pouty brat with fears up the shoot, instead of a mature woman and parent in her thirties. She is so stupid. There is NOTHING likable about her. She teaches grade 8, but knows nothing about teenagers? Idiotic. Both protagonists are not real, but she is annoying and completely miscast against the male lead. Their attempt at humour fell flat; not funny. It just made them look even more stupid.

Awful; Hallmark people need to get out in the real world before they write more rubbish.
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