Rock Baby - Rock It was quite a fascinating regional music film from Dallas, Texas
26 March 2017
This was a regional Rock 'n' Roll movie from Dallas, Texas, that I just watched on YouTube. While I didn't recognize the musical talent nor most of the songs they sang, I enjoyed each and every of them that was showcased. I also liked a dance a woman did at the end. The plot, such as it is, concerned a group of teens trying to save their dance hangout from being taken over by some corrupt businessmen. Not much to hang a drama on and the acting was mostly squaresville. Good thing there's wall-to-wall music most of the time. I mean, what I heard was-to quote the many times these movies had printed certain words on screen at the conclusion of them during this period counting this one-The Living End! So on that note, Rock Baby - Rock It is worth a look for anyone interested in vintage music acts of the late '50s.
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