They pretty much managed the impossible
27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Arrow: Blood Rush" is a six-part mini-series (really short, the entire thing runs for six minutes or so) from 2013, so this one will have its 5th anniversary late next year. The title already gives away that this once again takes you into the universe of the television show "Arrow" and if you wonder what the title of my review means, then let me tell you that i believe it to be a really bad show and with this mini-series they managed to make it even worse. The first two episodes are complete garbage really and the mix of (attempted) comedy and drama that takes itself so seriously really goes wrong completely. Episodes 3-6 are slightly superior, but also never memorable, just on par with the level of the show this is based on pretty much. Haynes and Rickards are actors that also appear many times on the real show, but here they don't leave an impact at all. Oh well, they actually do somehow. Haynes is the epitome of a performance where he plays an important character, but has zero material to work with and you cannot really blame him. Rickards is completely miscast because the comedy in the very first episode rings really false with her here. She is never funny. As a whole, Oliver Queen may want to be a man people want to see, but this is not a movie you wanna see. Even at less than one minute per episode, it's a waste of time.
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