Thoroughly Enjoyable Irish Road Trip Comedy
29 March 2017
Conor and Jock are best mates living in the rougher end of Cork; they dress alike, act alike and do everything together, much to the distress of Conors's mum who had him at sixteen which is a bit late in life according to the area where they live. Then a ship capsizes off the coast of Ireland and bales of cocaine worth over 440 million Euros are washing up all along the coast.

Jock decided they have to grab one of these bales and save themselves from the crushing mundanity and poverty of where they have grown up. So they nick some bikes and head off for a massive road trip, hotly followed by a bike theft obsessed Gard.

This film is based on the real life events of 2007 with Ireland's biggest ever drugs bust, but the rest is pure invention and it has to be said border line genius. The two lads are perfect foils for each other and the dialogue is gratifyingly stupid and inventive in equal abundance.

The casting is all perfect too and it is just one of those films that make films seem like a cake walk to make. It is the sort of film that you will probably need to watch more than once simply because you will miss so much from laughing – and it is great fun to boot. The visual gas are as brilliant as the spoken ones and there are enough moments of real life humanity to make the whole thing just that bit more realistic and thereby endearing – completely recommended.
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