Good cast, mostly well directed in good story that, alas, falls apart at end
31 March 2017
"The Law Commands" is available at YouTube. Lots of very good movies are available at YouTube. But sometimes the people uploading them don't do a very good job, or, worse, they don't have a complete print of whatever they're offering.

"The Law Commands" is one of the latter. It looks like an entire reel is missing because suddenly the bad guys are on the run with no explanation as to why.

That is really too bad because the story begins extremely well, with a superlative cast presenting the story, and speaking some intelligent dialog throughout most of the movie.

Some of the actors, including one of my favorites, Tom Keene, and Carl Stockdale and Robert Fiske as a bad guy, would stand out in any production.

One of my motion picture heroes, David Sharpe, is new and young here, but even so, he gives a believable performance.

Then the apparent missing reel and the rather lame and tame ending causes it all to seem pretty flat. Frankly, I'm puzzled why it happened.

Still, I'm glad I watched and I hope you will too.
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