Inspiring for every artist
2 April 2017
I saw this movie last week, when it premiered in Estonia for the first time. I know the movie is a few years old already, but it still stands out in 2017. The movie covered pretty much all there is to being an artist in today's society along with all the struggles and difficulties which come with the profession. It also talked much about the joy of creating something and experiencing the long-waited success. I really felt inspired and felt the motivation to keep doing my own thing. What i really liked about this movie, was the variety of artists speaking from the personal experience of their career. The list went from musicians to video game creators. I felt it was a good move to incorporate such wide spectrum of artists to the movie, because then every viewer ,whose interested in some form of art, can relate to it. The Estonian screening occurred at the theater of some design/interior design bureau and there were a lot of people with very different arts background and the movie was very well received amongst them. There were many passionate discussions later at the after-party. It was great seeing people coming together sharing their perspective.
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