Be who you are not who you think you should be
31 March 2017
I love and hate this film, 20 years ago this was me and I didn't know what was going on with me my life, it hit a real nerve and I can see what an idiot I was. And the damage I did to both myself and those around me.

I do hope that others watch this emotional film about the chaotic life that drugs and lack of self worth can drag you into. And I hope that the experiences and knowledge that someone who comes out the otherside gains makes them into a better and more rounded human being.

Long nights and short mornings is brutality honest and true representation of how crazy things can get. And watching this has astounded me so much its like a mirror. It will not be everyones cup of tea but it deserves a better rating.

I love it because it was my life, I hate it because I wasted so many years living this lifestyle.
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