Revenge: Justice (2012)
Season 1, Episode 18
the plot finds a scapegoat
4 April 2017
Yeah, the Tyler Barrol business could now (mercifully) be left behind if the scriptwriters so please, because Justice has found one to blame, and he is a most deserving low-life crook.

Which isn't nearly as interesting as the subject I'd rather be on about.

The star of this show for me is Christa B. Allen. She might be listed as the very last one of the regular main cast, but to me, she is the one to watch, the wholesome-looking young heiress, the daughter of the Graysons. And she is in fine performance every week. Charlotte Grayson. Near tears when she is frustrated at having been compromised, drop dead gorgeous trying to win Declan over with an earnest display of what he could have again if he did the right thing, and inwardly raging for having been betrayed by him. Without the lovely Miss Allen aboard, the show, riddled by an implausible story-line (the facts, I feel, stare the Graysons in the face the moment the name Amanda Clark pops up again years later) (which is why I maintain that Margarita Levieva's Amanda sank the plot, no blame on the actress, but on a story-line that simply couldn't take that complication AND remain plausible), at least has that charming young graceful girl to make me say "Aw, who cares, I buy the DVDs to see the pretty actresses anyway."
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