Doctor Who: Warriors of the Deep: Part One (1984)
Season 21, Episode 1
The Doctor faces yet more slow-moving adversaries
9 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Around a half-century from now, The Doctor, Tegan and the annoying Turlough materialise on an underwater missile base. The site, peace, and Mankind in general is being threatened by saboteurs and, coincidentally, a combined armada of Silurians and Sea Devils (the afore-mentioned slow-moving adversaries). Fortunately, there is a large amount of gas lethal to our potential reptilian overlords, and the problem is solved, although not without a bit of Whovian hand-wringing. Apparently filming of the series was rushed and it shows in the ludicrous 'gun fight' between the invading Sea Devils (think of guppies with goiters dressed like samurai) and the base's incredibly ineffectual crew, the plodding monster (the 'Myrka', a sort of hippy, waddling sea-horse) and its victims (who gingerly lower themselves to the floor when killed), the visible pull-tabs and zippers on the "Silurians", and the overall cheap look to the final product. One problem, which has been discussed elsewhere at length, is that the sets are too brightly lighted to: 1) give any sense of mood, and 2) to mask the obvious weaknesses in the costumes and the props. Hard-core Doctor Who fans, who are a forgiving (or at least an understanding) lot, may enjoy this opus but others will find it pretty silly (the epitome of which is Dr. Solow's attempt to use karate (?) on the 'Myrka').
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