Animal Soccer World (2005 Video Game)
A Magnificent Spectacle
10 April 2017
I'm having problems wrapping my head around animal soccer world. I mean, you could just ask for drug money the old fashioned way via telephone or panhandling on the streets, but why not make desperate art out of it? It's a new one, I'll give em that, and it's actually a pretty creative way to heckle people, so that's well, something. I give the dingo pictures team props for convincing themselves that they're functioning addicts but their works will sure as damn hell prove otherwise. I at least hope they paid that poor Spanish immigrant who voiced all of their bastardized characters, or at least bought him dinner or something. He did not deserve any of this & I refuse to demonize him. Hes probably an OK person. I wouldn't know. I don't know him personally. What I do know is that he's a tremendously shitty actor, so if he thought dingo pictures was some sort of a gateway to a Hollywood breakthrough, then, boy, was he in for one hell of a surprise. As a matter of fact, I actually pity this fellow, largely because I have a sneaking suspicion that he may have been randomly kidnapped by the producers from a local Walmart & forced at gun point to provide the voices for the entire cast of sloppily traced animals. This poor fellow is the reason I gave this movie a measly one star, even though I shouldn't have given it anything, but I reckon he's in a state of unfathomable, eternal embarrassment.

As for the plot of the movie, it just makes no frigging sense. Poorly animated Animals play soccer. And that's what they do. Play soccer & talk about random, half butted nonsense. The only way this horse crap would even be considered remotely acceptable is if a toddler made it. However, seeing that two grown, fully developed adults are actually behind this instead of a small child, I can automatically deduce that they are either inept or crooked or both.
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