The Bod Squad (1974)
A Martial Arts Movie with Lots of Scantily Clad Women
14 April 2017
This movie essentially begins with six European women being abducted while on their way to Australia by some Chinese pirates who intend to sell them in the sex-slave market. Once they get to the pirate stronghold one of the women resists and she is killed by the boss named "Chao" (Hsieh Wang). Fortunately for them a beautiful Chinese woman by the name of "Ko Mei Mei" (Hui-Ling Liu) helps calm them down at which point they reluctantly do as they are told. From here on the first half of the movie subsequently consists of the women being fondled--and almost raped on several occasions--with Ko Mei Mei always seeming to come to their rescue in the nick of time. Not only that, but she also has a brother named "Ko Pao" (Hua Yueh) who is intent on helping these women gain their freedom. However, in order to do that he has to bide his time and wait for the right moment. Realizing this, Ko Mei Mei proceeds to teach them a few kung fu moves to help them in preparation for the day when they will be sold in the slave market-and they become quite proficient very quickly. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a rather odd Chinese kung fu movie which was filmed in German and used English subtitles. As I mentioned earlier, it had a rather basic plot and mostly consisted of either scantily-clad women being groped or long scenes involving martial arts-or sometimes both at the same time. It also had some humor here and there as well. Yet even so, I honestly didn't think it was a very good picture and because of that I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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