Cannon: The Investigator (1975)
Season 4, Episode 20
So what role in all this does the Chief have?
14 April 2017
This is yet another crappy small town episodes, though this town seems bigger than some of the other crappy small town episodes. What I mean by crappy small towns is that "Cannon" (as well as other detective shows) featured quite a few episodes where the hero visits a small town...only to find many, most or all the locals are corrupt. In every case, the cops are corrupt...and this is the reason for this particular episode. It seems that the Mayor and others in this town are worried that the police are running amok over civil rights and are even committing crimes. So a secret police commission is created..and Cannon is invited in to be their investigator.

Through the course of the episode, Cannon is convinced that a reporter investigating the crime must have kept notes on cassettes...but they cannot ask the reporter because he was the police! Through the course of the show, Cannon is followed by the Chief (Cameron Mitchell) and you really aren't 100% sure if he is the problem, part of the problem or an innocent guy who just happens to have some bad apples in the department.

This is a moderately entertaining show. My only complaint is that the resolution to all this seemed amazingly easy! Still, interesting and worth seeing.
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