A delve into the world of the dead...
15 April 2017
Zombies are a pop culture phenomena, and that is a given. And with good reason, because they are unique in their very own way.

Throughout the course of this documentary you are get to visit (or re-visit) many of the iconic and influential movies that helped define the zombie genre. Here movies such as "White Zombie", "Night of the Living Dead", "Return of the Living Dead", "Dawn of the Dead", "28 Days Later", and many others are brought out help flesh out the zombie genre, pardon the pun.

We also get interviews and personal opinions from many influential people in the zombie genre, such as directors, writers, producers, actors, etc. Here we come face to face with people such as George Romero, Bruce Campbell, Robert Kirkman, Greg Nicotero, Simon Pegg, Tom Savini, etc.

If you enjoy the zombie genre, the "Doc of the Dead" is definitely worth spending an hour and a half on. This documentary shows a lot of good insights and views on the genre and on how influenced on the world and society around us.

I have been a fan of the zombie genre since my early teen years, and I must admit that I love anything zombie or even remotely zombiesque. And I delve into anything with zombies, such as movies, books, board games, PC and console games, etc.

"Doc of the Dead" is diverse and approach the many different subgenres of zombies that there are, such as running zombies ("World War Z", no, not "28 Days Later" as these were infected, and not zombies as such), talking zombies ("Re-Animator"), the archetypical shambler ("Dawn of the Dead"), etc.

There is a couple of documentaries on the zombie phenomena, and "Doc of the Dead" is definitely well worth sitting down and watching, especially if you are a life-long fan of the genre. You might actually learn something new, broaden your horizon or actually see things in a whole new light.
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