Review of Judas Ghost

Judas Ghost (2013)
Well, not really "horror", but..
17 April 2017
.. it is an OK movie to watch.

First things first. I wasn't scared, at all. TBH, I only get scared when movies do psychological horror right, and those aren't exactly common (hardest to pull off).

BUT, that said, was I bored when watching this movie? Not really.

Actors do their jobs well enough, they are playing clichéd roles (geek, a hot psychic, macho man, broken man) and play them just fine. The dialogues aren't painful, they are realistic enough (for the kind of people these are). And last but not the least, the CGI isn't completely bad (that darkness effect looks terrible in every "horror" movie tbh).

I didn't really care much for the ending and the movie doesn't exactly show us the "big bad", but only his minion.. which I guess is the case because they wanted to set up a sequel considering a lot of things (like the people they work for or their holy magic thingy) aren't explained properly.

BUT, like I said, it isn't boring. It's a popcorn movie and still way better than the abominations called "horror", Paranormal Activity directors poop out every now and then.

So yeah, popcorn horror. 5/10
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