Review of The Pilot

Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
The Girl with the Star in Her Eye
16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This, the opening of the tenth series since 'Doctor Who' returned, opens with the introduction of Bill; a young woman who works in a university cafeteria. It turns out that she has been attending lectures given by The Doctor, and he has apparently being lecturing there for over fifty years. She has caught his eye and he invites her to join him for private tutorials. At around the same time Bill meets Heather, a girl she is attracted to; a girl with a star-like defect in one eye. Heather shows Bills a strange puddle; there has been no rain for some time and there is something slightly wrong about its refection. Later Heather tells Bill that she will show her what is odd about the puddle but when Bill gets there there is no sign of Heather. When Bill gets home she things there is somebody in the bathroom; there is no immediate sign of them… then she sees Heather in the water. She runs to The Doctors office then 'Heather' appears out of a strange puddle… only it isn't heather any more. The Doctor takes Bill into the Tardis and they move to a variety of location, each much further away than the last but every time the watery apparition of Heather is never far behind. In an attempt to finally but rid of her The Doctor heads to one of the most dangerous places in the universe… but even this isn't enough; ultimately it will be up to Bill.

The introduction of a new companion often seems more risky than the introduction of a new Doctor… on the strength of this episode I think Bill should turn out to be a good addition to the series; interestingly it looks as if Nardole will be continuing as an assistant. Pearl Mackie did a fine job as Bill and I look forward to seeing more of her in future episodes. Before the series even started much was made of the fact that Bill was going to be the first lesbian companion; thankfully this was handled in a very matter of fact manner… she fancies a girl; no big deal. The 'Watery Heather' was a delightfully disturbing character; she appears to be a threat but there was something deeply melancholic about her; I really liked Stephanie Hyam's performance in the role. As well as the threat from 'Heather' and the question of what she is there is also the question of why The Doctor has been lecturing at a university for half a century and what is in the mysterious vault he is guarding. Overall I thought this episode was a fine opening to the latest series and introduction to the new companion.
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