Review of The Pilot

Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
The Pilot
15 April 2017
Doctor Who in Peter Capaldi's third and final series is given a soft reboot. We are introduced to a new companion in Bill. She cooks chips in the university canteen and slips into the Doctor's lectures even though she is not a student. Apparently the Doctor has been lecturing there for decades, all very Professor Chronotis.

The story starts rather slowly and writer Steve Moffat keeps it all very simple. There is a puddle and the puddle chases after Bill as the Doctor takes the Tardis away from it but the puddle follows throughout time and space. Along the way we see the return of the Movellans who are fighting the Daleks. Nardole is with Tardis team to provide the quirky humour.

Director Lawrence Gough shows insights of Japanese horror films such as The Ring as the puddle manifests in a human watery form that is the pilot.
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