Review of The Pilot

Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
A beautiful companion introduction be it a weak villain
16 April 2017
So after a year long hiatus, Doctor Who is back on our screens with 'the Pilot'.

I have to say, this was 50 minutes of enjoyable television where new companion, Bill Potts, shone. The wonderful, and previously rather unknown, Pearl Mackie took her character in her stride making the audience fall in love with her automatically. She is very different from the marmite Clara as she is so relatable and modern. The contrast between her character and the Doctor, majestically played as always by Peter Capaldi, was stark.

Her character's introduction felt like it was something out of the Russell T Davies era with no 'timey-wimey' story-line to her character (as previously seen with Amy and Clara) and it really paid off.

The plot was simple enough, and although the villain of the week was... well, weak, it was made up by the beautiful story between Bill and her love-interest, Heather. As with all companion origin stories, the villain took a back seat so you cannot blame this episode for that. The concept of the puddle was mysterious and perhaps could have been dived into - no pun intended - with Moffat once again showing how he takes mundane every-day objects (such as statues or blinking) and makes them creepy.

Overall, this episode was an energetic, enjoyable and human piece of story-telling which introduced a lovable new companion and re-lit my love for this show.

Doctor Who is well and truly back with a solid episode all round 8/10.
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