Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
Fantastic start to Series 10
15 April 2017
I had to double check how long ago it was that we had a last full series, of course two years ago, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I approached The Pilot as ever with the usual cautious anticipation.

I have to be honest after the Return of Doctor Mysterio I wasn't expecting much, but talk about the ridiculous to the sublime. The best episode for quite some time I thought, felt like they'd revisited the first episode of the show's return, Rose.

Capaldi has softened somewhat, I've been a fan of his since the start, but now he's leaving, it looks like he's enjoying his final run. Pearl Mackie is nothing short of a revelation as Bill, so impressed by her, reminds me somewhat of Rose, already a favourite, her energy was fantastic to watch.

Not much of a plot it's fair to say, this was all about introducing Bill. We got a little tale of emotions and feelings, we got a few scares, we got a Dalek (hopefully that's it for this series,) but the main thing I got out of this was a sense of optimism. The trailer for the series looks rather good, and of course lots of unanswered questions.

I love the link to the next episode, Thin Ice, very reminiscent of the Classic Hartnell episodes.

Very, very promising 9/10
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