Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
The Pilot Didn't Crash But Could Have Gone On A Better Journey
16 April 2017
So a new series of DOCTOR WHO explodes on to our screens which instinctively led me to think "So what ? " Yes I know we're getting a new companion and there's a new showrunner and lead actor coming up as well but one knows what to expect under the BBC in general and Moffat in particular - more of the same

To be fair to Moffat and the production team the gap between the last season and this one means we've got something of a reboot with this episode where a new regular character finds out as to who The Doctor might be . It also performs an expositional function where new child viewers are introduced to the show

There is a good element and a bad element to this. The good element is that it keeps things moving all at an exciting pace . One serious problem with the Moffat era is a lack of narrative drive where everything goes round in circles leading nowhere . At least here the Bill character pieces feel like they are part of something . The downside is that they only seem to introduce Bill and the whole story has type "She woke up and it was all a dream" feeling

Interesting to see how Pearl Mackie shapes up as Bill the first gay companion in the show and I'd thought I'd never see the day when DOCTOR WHO would include a snippet of Joy Division on the soundtrack. That said I do hope the material is a lot stronger than some of the stuff here
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