bikini torsos unfortunately do not make a movie
22 April 2017
No, I don't have it on DVD. I suppose nobody does, unless it's a homemade transfer. Currently watching initially bad quality in-parts download. Hot-bodied but ultimately boring girls with boring hairstyles. Inane attempt that could of course be enjoyed if you were the lucky one filming it.

I only know about this movie because I obtained a mini-sized poster of it during the Eighties. Here it was released as THE BIKINI SHOP, with a very sexy, very classy hot-yet-cool, very cute poster. It is not the image you see here. No, it was a gorgeous aerial shot, the beach seen from low-flying seagull's view, you see nine figures stretched out on their beach blankets on the sand, three in the top row (legs only), three in the middle row (two extremely gorgeous blondes flanking the main character, who wears a full business suit, attache case and all) and three in the bottom row (upper bodies only) Believe me, this poster is a lot more fun than the (at times) ineptly- constructed movie itself.

Acting? What acting? Likable characters? Blah. Somebody to root for? Blah. I really couldn't care less. Okay, to be fair, it improves along the way. Sparks of interest. There is no denying that this is not even nearly a B-movie, it's kinda an F.

I am all for pretty bikini girls in movies. But showing a busload of headless, legless bikini-clad torsos just do not cut it for me. There is no connection without a face. Well, that's how the movie starts off. It is gonna get marginally better, but only by an anorexic slice. There's this little guy who has inherited a bikini shop from his deceased aunt, and the little bloke is off to California. Guy looks just like a Chihuahua. And he is about to be married to a heiress who bought a wedding dress two sizes too small to give her incentive to make a success of that strict diet, starting tomorrow, because there are all those cupcakes out there in the world... She does serve to hold the plot together, because she is such a disgusting character she makes all the other screw-ups look positively charming, and "the sparks of interest" made me "root" for the heroes (aarggg) after all...

(Movie is so bad you just gotta see it to believe it, then you will understand where this uneven review comes from)

Bruce Greenwood is so off-putting that his slob performance, while quite convincing, just nails the spikes into the coffin I MEAN ARRRGGGHH! no mood left for watching anything vaguely stimulating after seeing that guy bum about on-screen.

Movie seems to be set to plod along without an actual heroine. Major mistake. The girls all appear to be walk-ons. By the time when Lady Love appears, my mind had already written off the movie as not only the junk it set out to be from the start, but utter trash. So she appears way too late to add any real meaning or be a life-raft for the sunken ship. At least she is something. She's kinda cute (and quite hot) (and very supple), she has the kind of class the movie JUST DOESN'T.

But there's no real story, or rather, there could have been, but they settle for a mediocre thin plot. It's an excuse to film bikini-bodies. As such, the "story" will appeal to schoolboys and, well, guys like me, BUT the dudes who made this, skated about on very thin ice, only a few steps away from total laughing stocks. The music video bikini talent inserts do help to, er, raise interest. They really do, saving this, let's face it, JUNK, from being total TRASH, by being testimony to red-blooded man's obsession with the female form, trying so very, very hard to produce something worthwhile...

Seen in such a regard, the movie could go into a time capsule.

Who the hell am I to judge? Hell, I'd have been standing there with the video camera, too hell with the plot, the script... :)
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