The Adjuster (1991)
Film need more adjustments added
23 April 2017
Here's one of those art house films, out there in weidorama land, where the lead characters have interesting picked careers, that are both explored, which I found informative. Most of the characters are odd, (it's a Atom Egoyan film, remember) and of course no forgetting wild actor, Koteas. It's great to see him in a lead, especially in something like this. He's a very good actor, who I've followed since seeing him as the bitter paraplegic in that Hogan fare, Almost An Angel. He's more impressive, the more stuff I see from this guy. Here he plays an over caring and over sympathetic insurance adjuster to destroyed and devastated folk, who've lost their homes in fires. He sleeps with some of his clients too, and shows real generosity putting the shattered clients up in this motel. He also does one of the maids. His wife, Arsinee Khanjian is a pornographic censor, who gets caught up in her work, one might say, actually furtively, taping her flicks, and taking her work home to get off. Could she be unfilled sexually? I really liked learning a bit, how the censor worked. And who is this real oddball director (Chaykin) who uses their show home as a film location, where the lead actress begins to strip, while surrounded by a circle of little boys sitting. Of course, we don't get past seeing her with her loud red bra, where what's followed is implied. The Adjuster has a few strange moments, including one lesbian, feeling up another on a train in frank view of Khanjian sitting across, fascinated. But none more unforgettable is obviously Chaykin, beating off at Koteas's window. Chaykin too, has formed a weird relationship with Khanjian's younger sister which provides a disturbing twist in it's end. Even though Koteas does his really good part, as a troubled and distressed guy, he's upstaged by Chaykin who I thought rocked. His character was so intriguing, though the performance that really stuck, and it was a small part, was that of the head censor, Hemblen. He was brilliant, almost beyond belief, so naturalistic, he too, providing another weird moment. With it's mini promotional poster, of Elias, holding a bow and arrow (what's with that?) this was movie a movie that got my vested interested, I wasn't disappointed in any way by this movie, except, the High Level Sex Scenes warning, the main one, where Koteas is making love with one of his clients, in a teasing darkness, Koteas and co, practically silhouettes. Yes, it has style, is semi arousing, thought provoking, and of course, remotely original, but at the end of it, in spite of all these plusses, The Adjuster, doesn't really equate to much. There just wasn't enough here, like filling to a sandwich. You walk away feeling unmoved, only that's not how you feel when you watch it. Like many directors, Eyogan went on to cast some of the same actors, for his better 'Exotica'. Definitely, still a recommended view. Don't cross it off. Some David Lynch fans might get a buzz out of it too.
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