Dirty Harry in Rome, sort of
23 April 2017
Released in 1978, "Virgin Terror" (aka "Red Rings of Fear," Rings of Fear" or "Trauma") is a murder mystery starring Fabio Testi as a Detective who investigates a murder at a Catholic Girl's school in Rome.

The protagonist is effective with his Hollywood good looks. My title blurb describes the movie as "Dirty Harry in Rome" because it's reminiscent of those 70's flicks, although it naturally has a European flavor and there's no subplot about the detective being disillusioned by the libertine politics manacling the police force. This was the third film in the 'schoolgirls in peril' trilogy, the first two being "What Have You Done to Solange?" (1972) and "What Have They Done to Your Daughters?" (1974). The big reveal at the end made me bust out laughing. Why Sure!

Unfortunately, the editing is amateurish, like a lot of 70's low-budget Euro flicks; it's just awkwardly done and takes you right out of the movie. Pictures like this make you praise Hammer Films in all their low-budget glory. Also, the DVD that I viewed (which is probably the only form of the movie available) had terrible audio and I could only make out about 50% of the dubbed verbiage; no kidding.

An Italian/Spanish/German production, the film runs 78 minutes. It was directed by Alberto Negrin from a script by Massimo Dallamano (amongst others).

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