Samurai Jack: Episode XCIV (2017)
Season 5, Episode 3
Jack Struggling
23 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Even though Jack hasn't aged for the past 50 years, he does feel pain and would need food and rest. I'm just glad that Jack is alright. Another hallucination of Jack's younger self appears again although this time he was scary and crazy taunting Jack about his first time killing a human and believes that he wants the DAUGHTERS OF AKU to kill him due to not able to stop Aku and get back to the past, but Jack is not giving up. It is nice to see Jack and the wolf(from the second episode) to bond. Later, the flashback was show about Jack's father killing few bandits for trying to kill him and his family and for Jack (when he was a kid was shocked). Before killing them, he told the bandits that they have a choice which was either to leave now and live or stay and face their destiny, however, the bandits nearly attacked which led to him to kill them. Luckily, Jack was calmed down by his father and gave him wise words on what happened that time telling him that the decisions a person make and that actions that come are a reflection of he or she and he or she can't hide that forever. Jack came terms to that and has killed five assassins, with Ashi as the sole survivor. Now, Jack is not cold neither a coward, he is just struggling with his life trying to seek redemption to figure out who he is again.
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