Doc Hollywood (1991)
Medical-grade likability
26 April 2017
Watching "Doc Hollywood", I was happily reminded of "Local Hero". Not that they're sharing the same plot, but both feature a young main character sent-to/stranded in a baffling small town, and bot have comparable levels of warmth in each story.

Here, it's Michael J. Fox sentenced to community service in a one- pig hamlet. And that folksy fascism slowly becomes endearing quirk as he starts to get attached. These situations bring out the comedic side of this romcom, but it's the scenes he shares with (the utterly winsome) Julie Warner that really suck you in. Their (hesitantly budding) relationship is mature, develops organically, and I have nothing negative to say about it.

Or the movie overall, for that matter. It's charming, sweet, and beautifully populated by the right character actors.

This is my kinda romance.

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