Very poorly made horror flick
29 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished it today on Netflix and I am very glad despite the waste of time I didn't pay for it despite my monthly fee. I almost turned it off at one point it was so boring but thought I would wait to see the end and what happens. I thought the end was OK. I don't know how you would show the apocalypse anyway. I highly doubt they will make a sequel to this from this ending as the movie is so bad.

With that being said the main character who is doomed for all eternity is a likable character and his acting is good. It makes more sense especially when he tells his story to the girl that likes him towards the end about why he is has becoming such an introvert.

The rest of the actors, not so much and the sets of the mansion looks like a larger version of the haunted mansion at Disneyland. The musical score is horrendous and there is nothing scary about this movie. I just imagine some of the crew moving the mannequins about between takes.

I could go on about the story which is good but the production values of this are just so bad I really don't even want to think about it. Would rather read The Grimm story. If you are teen, knock yourself out on this one, if not, it will most likely bore the hell out of you.
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