Review of Chapter 1

Legion: Chapter 1 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
No one expected that..
4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Our understanding of the world is unavoidably shaped by our limited perspective. Time and again, scientists tell us that our eyes are unreliable, that our memory is terrible, and we constantly reshape events and ideas to fit them into our preconceived notions of who we are and how the world works. In short, we make for rotten recording devices. Humans are like a camcorder with a mic that haphazardly cuts in and out and a lens continually distorting and even blotting out physical objects altogether, as though someone were digitally altering the film stock with the impetuous whimsy of a child. For a species that bases its claim to dominance on self-awareness and higher communication functions, we're remarkably shitty at both.

This episode starts in an asylum where David is held because of his suicidal tendencies. Th the voices, the constant lapses into memory, and the conversing with the dead, it's easy to see how he ended up in the care of a mental institution. As far as unreliable narrators go, David may take the cake. Between having enormous telepathy and telekinetic abilities and simultaneously being convinced that he's insane and unwell, David surely has developed personality issues. I'm worried for him, but also worried about whether we can trust what we're seeing through David's point of view.And then The optical bombardment continues throughout the proceedings;the chronology of the scenes, between the asylum and David's interrogation, the purposely retro-styled clothing, contrasted with the space mod interiors which make it all seem like this could be taking place in any era, it's all meant to keep the viewer as disoriented as David.some scenes were bizarre throughout the episode as the end approaches there are some action scenes that makes you want for more..

Overall-Legion is visually stunning, easily the best-looking superhero show ever made.Legion makes it hard to discern what's real and what's imagined. That's what makes it brilliant.There are many questions unanswered so we will see how this series progress..
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