Some Dark Humor & Quirky Characters
9 May 2017
Some of the dark humor in this indie, written and directed by Dusty Bias, is effective at times, and its quirky characters can be refreshingly interesting. However at other times, the film can lose its punch, as it meanders into somewhat contrived and non-believable plot elements.

I thought all of the lead actors here namely Nick Fink, Louisa Krause, Ritchie Coaster, Ann Dowd, and Melanie Lynskey were quite effective in their individual roles, with Coaster and Dowd portraying their comedic characters to the hilt.

Several years ago, I saw Bias' feature debut "Prairie Love", which, in my opinion, was quite bizarre but showed potential. So here's his next film and I think a better movie overall, and I see on this site there's one more on the way that's in post-production.

All in all, be prepared for some very raw and explicit language throughout this indie with a number of sexual references and one sex scene. As mentioned, kind of a mixed bag overall here with its quirky and dark humor effective at times, but the film can also wander into awkwardness and contrivances.
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