Review of The Toy Box

The Toy Box (2017)
Exciting idea!
9 May 2017
I can see why lots of people are being critical. Any show rests on its host and this guy is not the one to make the show great and clever, as the show's concept is. What this show needs is a reincarnation of Robin Williams! Would that be great or what! It needs someone who is GENUINELY a big kid, someone who loves to get down on the floor and play! When the kids are being kids, playing with the inventions, the show is terrific and the smiles on the inventors' faces are real. And, the gutted feelings the losers must have are real, too.

I think the show is salvageable: the TV executives just need to go to a successful elementary school class or two and see how dynamic kids and creative teachers having fun can be an exhilarating experience. Then, incorporate the "action" they see into the show.

I've watched all the episodes and there seems to be slight improvements. Maybe, the directors and producers realized many of the mentioned flaws as filming proceeded and made adjustments.

Best of luck to ABC. RS
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