Leave It to Beaver: Tennis, Anyone (1962)
Season 5, Episode 33
Game, set, but no match; for now.
12 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wally's off to play tennis, a game Beaver sees as a girl's game. Real games are football and baseball because girls can't play. Wally is supposed to play with Eddie Haskell, but runs into Carole Martin who is coming off a hissy fit because her boyfriend is going away. Wally is smitten and makes a date to play with Carole the following day. Carole smells opportunity, Eddie loses a partner.

Ward and June are curious as to who the new partner might be, but Wally dodges an answer. Wally isn't seeing tennis, he's seeing love. He just forgot that in tennis "love" can mean you are losing. The following day when Carole spots her boyfriend with another girl he coaches, Carole is sure to say very loud that she's glad Wally made it for their date. Beaver and Gilbert see Wally playing with a "woman," who is old enough to be one of his teachers. Maybe he's playing with her because he needs to pass a course. Eddie and Lumpy come looking for Wally and see him playing with Carole; they can't figure out how it's possible as Carole is out of Wally's league. Let's say they are impressed.

On the way out of the court, Wally runs into Carole's boyfriend who threatens him: stay away from his girl or else. Wally has to talk with Ward. He tells his dad that he finds himself in a triangle. Carole is a tad older than Wally, maybe 22. Then this older guy, maybe 24, tells Wally to move on; actually, he's the asst. tennis pro. Ward gets the picture instantly but how to protect Wally from a situation he might not be able to handle. Ward does his best, but Wally's not in a listening mood.

Up in their room, Wally has a chat with Beaver. Wally refers to Carole as a girl; Beaver, as a lady. No doubt Wally "hears" Beaver but Wally decides he will show up for the next match regardless. There he sees Carole in an embrace with her boyfriend. Now Wally understands what Ward was trying to warn him about; Wally confesses to June that he's amazed his "old" father knows so much about love and stuff. No tennis reference there.

Wally has a new match lined up. He is going to be playing with a substitute teacher. For a moment Ward and June panic, but the teacher is a he; and he actually played on the Davis Cup Team. He's bringing his niece to play with him because he would like Wally to meet her. We might have a genuine "love" match being played after all.
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