Investigator in ridiculous disguise
13 May 2017
Johnny 'Texas' Brennan (Wayde Preston) comes to town in order to investigate a gold robbery. A certain Prescott was accused of it, but is supposed to be innocent. The town's ruler Clanton (Joe De Santis) has objections against such an investigation - but his pretty daughter Gladys (Loredana Nusciak, 'Django') trusts the stranger and helps him. Clanton sends the 3 Ramirez brothers to kill Brennan who then disappears and returns in a strange disguise...

Director Mario Gariazzo began this movie in 1966, but the production company went bust, and another director, Leopoldo Savona, completed the movie three years later (source: the book 'Willkommen In Der Hölle' by C. Kessler). This problematic history explains why this is such a poor picture. Even the photography with its day-for-night shots is disappointing. Wayde Preston uses ridiculous false beards, I wonder why anyone takes his various disguises seriously. However, De Santis is an impressive, hateful villain and the movie manages at least a few nice tricks along the way which you haven't seen in other westerns.
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