Supernatural: There's Something About Mary (2017)
Season 12, Episode 21
Top 20 Reasons this episode failed while delivering backhands to the fandom:
16 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
1. Eileen UN-necessary death! Another fridging of a female character?

Would it have been so terrible to have a Eileen return once a year for the fans who loved her? Representation for the hearing impaired matters. Representation Matters 2. The B.M.O.L. and Crowley are working together. Since when? Why were there no clues? Hindsight usually affords a few, "Oh that's what such and such meant." "Oh I should've guessed that!" But, no, this is completely out of insane field.

3. You can control a hell hound with a dog whistle?

4. All the yucky dog references AGAIN. Good dog. Bad Dog. Crowley cuddling with the hell hounds.


5. That horrid cringy scene of Crowley being a puppet. (Well, at least no one had to lick the floor again.)

6. Crowley smokes into the Rat without smoke? Lucifer does not notice that the body didn't light up? Crowley is as dumb as a rat? Since when? The rat? the hamster? Another Olivette thingy that the fandom & cast laughed over how awful it was, yet, it returneth… please. So bad and so not funny! It's like a deliberate backhand to the fans who previously resented and mocked that stupid Olivette scene.

7. Why did Eileen come back to the States?

Wouldn't it have been easier for the B.M.O.L. to kill her in Ireland? ( Oh, but then Sam and Dean wouldn't be able to look at her corpse thereby cementing the fact that Eileen is dead, without possible resurrection by other writers.)

8. Why would Sam and Dean even think of getting snail mail? They have a mailbox? Since when and why? Why would they have given Eileen their snail mail address?

9. The Amazing miracle to unleash Lucifer AGAIN! "The device, it's cemented directly into your DNA and that of the King's. As it's powering down in you, the polarity is somehow reversing. .. The ability to control is transferring from Crowley to you."

10. "Oh, that OEDIPAL MYOPIA again." Exactly my complaint for two seasons!!

11. "Kelly's now in the clutches of the WINCHESTERS' LOVE SLAVE, Castiel, who's no doubt dragging her to a gruesome death." Baiting!

12. "Toni: That you invited Azazel to visit when he spared John's life. . . I have sources, Mary. Everywhere." Ah, that explains it then. ????

13. Strangely cut off scene: "Hess: Your relationship with the Winchesters. It's a bit cozy for my taste. I hope you don't expect me to spare your friends……."

14. Sam: "'but I could bunk with you guys for a few days until I sort this out' "You think the Brits were watching her? If Eileen says they were -- Then maybe they're the ones that killed her." Note there are NO WORDS for Sam to express his grief, just a HUGE VOID OF TIME.

(Wherein they search the bunker for the bug. Where is it? Where could it be? Is it here? Is it under there? WHY the long search? Because there are NO WORDS of dialogue until, "Those Hunters you were talking to, is one of them Terry Marsh? Yeah, Terry Marsh in Missouri.") Thank goodness, Sam visually demonstrated his grief. Thank goodness, Dean entertained us with his fridge leftovers. Thank goodness, for a director who made it look 10x better than it was.

15. Mary was completely brainwashed and turned into a killing puppet for the BMOL in under a week? Why didn't they just reprogram Mick then? Surely, all of his knowledge was an asset to them. Oh right, the same writers who killed him, killed Eileen 12.21 and Metatron 11.21 and Charlie 10.21 Doesn't have to make sense… gratuitous killing used to make their scripts memorable for something other than just being plain craptastic. Ye Old cheesy formula that deliberately pisses off the fans

16. The Bunker? Knowing the BMOL were after them, wouldn't they have entered a little more cautiously, or better yet hidden out in a motel, or better yet take the fight to the BMOL? Witness the great Dumbing Down of Sam and Dean.

17. The "I could shoot you now, but I'd rather do the James Bond villain thing. You'll live 2 or 3 days…"

Srsly? How is this good writing?

18. How did Jody know about Eileen? Curious.

19. The opening and closing SFX and CGI: awful just awful. OK we are spoiled, but that was bad.

20. Mary is brainwashed and wiped clean (Lisa) in 3 days. A strong woman made to beg on her knees in front of her ex sexual partner? Eww.


A director who fleshed out all the action and silent moments with a great entrapment scene and a gunfight. The cast who added emotions to a flat script. The unified outraged reaction of the majority of the fandom.
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