Before I Fall (2017)
Better than I was expecting
16 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pretty much sick of teen movies and I'm pretty sick of repeating movies too but I gave this one a shot and I'm not sorry I did.

Before I Fall is about Sam Kingston (a lovely Zoey Deutch), a stereotypical popular and pretty mean girl who is part of a popular mean girl crew. On cupid day (a day where the students at high school send each other flowers) Sam plans to lose her virginity to her longterm boyfriend Rob. Only at a party he gets drunk and makes out with another girl. Also crashing the party is Juliet, a former friend of Sam's who accuses her and her friends of being pathetic and bitches causing them to retaliate and throw drinks at her. Later that night as they are heading home the car Sam is in crashes but instead of ending up in the hospital... time loops and Sam wakes up on cupid day again. From here on she must figure out why time keeps looping for her and how she can stop it.

Not the most original of plot lines and some of the writing is really bad and cliché. However Before I Fall is surprisingly watchable and that's down to the actors who are really great. Deutch in particular makes a really strong compelling lead. She gives the film her all so that even though a lot of the revelations and dialogue are trite in her hands it feels very real and warm. The film is also very beautiful, director Ry Russo-Young makes it very beautiful and compelling to watch.

Not a revolutionary addition to the day-that-keeps-repeating genre, but a decent film nevertheless.
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