Lucifer: God Johnson (2017)
Season 2, Episode 16
A Great comeback after the last 2 episodes
16 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
may contain wee bit of spoilers, ya its a spoiler review.....

excellent episode! just fantastic!! it just gets better and better, GOD JOHNSON! wow just fantastic, this episode shows GOD!! you're so shocked and happy at the beginning just too be f**ked right in ass last, this was kinda of a bummer because the chemistry of God with anyone he talked too was just great, especially Lucifer and scene in the end with God and Lucifer almost got tears in my eyes, the scene with Charlotte(Lucifer's mum) was great, and last you get to know that it wasn't actually God, it was the belt buckle the guy was wearing that was making the guy talk, this brings a big huge sexy twist in whole Azrael's blade story-line as the belt buckle being one of the parts of the flaming sword and Uriel's last words making sense! just awesome! loved it! waiting for the next episode!!! real excited...........
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