Review of Ace High

Ace High (1968)
A Plot with Several Strange Detours
18 May 2017
This film essentially begins with a man named "Cacopoulos" (Eli Wallach) sitting in jail waiting to be hung for a murder he didn't commit. Fortunately, he manages to escape and then proceeds to rob two drifters named "Cat" (Terence Hill) and "Hutch" (Bud Spencer) of a large amount of gold that they had just acquired from a bank the day before. Needless to say, wanting their money back both Cat and Hutch set out in the same direction as Cacopoulous in an effort to track him down before he can spend all of it. However, once they catch up to him he agrees to return the money if they can help him get revenge on the people who set him up. Unfortunately, this proves to be more complicated than any of them initially imagined. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film is a sequel to the movie "God Forgives...I Don't!" which is probably best to see first in order to gain a better understanding of the overall course of events. It is also followed by another sequel "Boot Hill" which was produced a year later. In any case, although the film contained some pretty good actors I thought that the plot took too many strange detours which caused the film to lose some of its coherence. Because of that I have rated the film accordingly. Average.
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